Ragersville Historical Society
Upcoming 2023 Events
April 1st
Easter Egg Hunt and Candy Drop May 29th
Memorial Day Service June 25th Ice Cream
Social August 4 - 6 Homecoming Weekend
Watch Facebook for
More Details
Visit The Old Store Winery Friday 4 - 8
Saturday 2 - 8 Follow both The Historical
Society & The Old Store Winery on Facebook
If any questions, you can reach us via email -
ragersville@gmail.com330-897-2861 |
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2023 Events
The Ragersville
Historical Society is a non-profit organization founded in 1979 for the purpose of
preserving and displaying Ragersville, Auburn Township, and Tuscarawas County
history. Artifacts, family histories, and genealogical records are available for
viewing or research. The society currently has over 300 members, representing 27 states and Canada. Semi-annual newsletters update our activities. Operating expenses / projects are funded by dues, gifts, and bequests.